Example of a life between lives regression
Morag: As you move away from your body do you feel any pulling sensation?
Client: Yes, it’s powerful but gentle.
Morag: Is there a bright light just above you?
Client: Lots of purple colours and a light. It’s further up. There’s loads of space and you are just floating dead gently up. See like you see a feather floating down? You’re going like that – up.
Morag: Just allow yourself to float up higher and higher. Just be aware at some point an entity may come to meet you. Now this may well be your spirit guide, but it might be your primary soul mate. So just let me know when this entity joins up with you.
Client: It’s not a guide. It’s a bit of energy, a bit of light.
Morag: Does it feel that it is taking you by the hand? Or does it seem to envelop you with loving energy?
Client: A loving energy.
Client takes a moment to absorb and feel this loving presence. She then relays that there has been a guide there all the way through. She notes that it is a male Native American Chief.
Morag: What is the name of your spirit guide?
Client: Mahawka.
Morag: Are you receiving any telepathic communications from Mahawka?
Client: He’s showing me his hair, his pleats. He’s showing me his back, and he’s showing me his arrows. To me, telepathically he says to me “Watch, see beauty, but watch back. Be protected.” And he’s climbing. He’s took me to the top of a mountain. It’s a big circle, it’s like an arena, but it’s from the top of the world looking down. Into this big hole. It’s beautiful; you can see the trees and the colours. He’s saying to watch, to be aware. Meditate and watch beauty within and let it shine out and follow him, follow his footsteps. He’s showing me before he was a chief, he’s showing me these stairs to take your family with you, your loved ones with you, any little children you’ve got get them following your footsteps and make them all climb up. I’m seeing beautiful colours, like a peacock, just to go up and it’s getting warmer from the feet up, the healing and they are showing me green, a beautiful green colour, but I’ve got to take it to the heart.
After further exploration here, the client recognised that she had been feeling unwell at this time in her life because she had been cutting off from her guidance from the spiritual realm. She was then directed by her spirit guide to go and visit the elders.
Morag: What name do you call these beings?
Client: The council.
Morag: Do you go with your guide or do you go by yourself?
Client: I’m there by myself.
Morag: How many beings do you see there waiting for you?
Client: Fifteen.
Morag: Do you see any gender characteristics?
Client: They are all male.
Morag: Do you have a sense of one of them as a chairperson?
Client: They all have their opinion. Then there are three of them who decide then it goes to one person. There is a row of nuns as well. They are female. 7 of them.
The client explained that in the room there were two other souls there and these souls she felt she was connected too. That these souls were being judged, that they had done something wrong. The client expressed that the council were not hard on the two souls and had relayed the message that the two souls were indeed judging themselves for the wrong that they had done. Further into the session the client realised that these two souls were a part of her and that she recognised that she was being told to not be so hard on herself.
Morag: What’s the most important characteristic that defines the real you which you carry from life to life?
Client: Wisdom.
Deeper into the session the client was then guided to a classroom situation, she was then guided through a desert where she stood with her spirit guide.
Client: He’s showing me a big torch. He’s swirling it. He’s trying to show me that on the earth plane he’s standing looking up to the stars up in the sky. He’s making a circle, that’s a hole you make into the universe. You can travel through it. He’s says he can take me there. He says “you have to look up to just the sky, no further than the sky.” And it’s hard because I want to go and it’s holding me back, the sky’s holding me back
Morag: With that in mind, have you ever taken an incarnation in another dimension or world or has it always been on the earth plane?
Client: I seem to belong up there. I’m going to another place; it’s all smooth cut, dimensional. It’s all crystals. Every place you look, the light is just flashing and you see the shape and the cut of it. There’s pinks, there is a beautiful pink colour and green colour and they are the colours they are showing me. The rest is clear white.
Morag: Have you been in this place before?
Client: Oh Yes, it’s beautiful. It’s an energy place. I could cry. There is a star with six edges. Everything is made of this crystal and it goes up and up and up. I’m being taken right up, like mountains. I’m being taken to this big star; it’s got loads of circles and loads of sparkly bits. There is a person up there, like a King.
Morag: Is it the creator? Is it God?
Client: Yes, it is. I’m allowed to meet him. I can take him on, the persona of him on. It’s like a big lion. Your heart is tiny, it’s nothing compared to this place. It’s just like a heart, a sacred heart. No, it’s where the heart starts. It’s pure love. There is no fear. Oh right, they are giving me that. It’s me that’s the cat. Nothing can touch you in here. Nothing can touch you. That’s the old me, how she used to feel, nothing bothered me before. It’s great. It’s amazing. Inside out, outside in. The colours are merging into each other.
She realised that this place where she received incredible feelings of love and peace were always there available for her to feel and that she has to remember this.
The client proceeded to then witness the other life choices she had before she came into this life and was able to see why she chose the body she has today. She also discovered certain things which she had to explore in this lifetime to help her to fulfil her soul’s purpose.