Life Between Lives | Past Lives
During a Life Between Lives hypnotherapy regression you can discover previous lives you have lived before this incarnation. Within these lives you may have suffered great loss or led a charmed life, you may have worked on developing the mind or have become masterful in physical form. The Life Between Lives reveals that the soul chooses the life they are to be born into, knowing all which that entails from the tribulations to the joys. This is understood as a way to help the soul develop in the best way possible.
The lives you have lived previously can become helpful to your understanding of the life you now partake in. They will reveal to you not only the immortal within your being, but will also show you why certain things have come to be. Also, through them it is possible to remove and heal the past hurts which we have carried onward into this life and expand our awareness of who we really are.
>> Example of a Life Regression >>